I’m a Data Scientist and Principal Investigator in Goodyear Innovation Center. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Luxembourg University, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). I completed my PhD journey in SERVAL research unit (headed by Prof. Yves Le Traon), while being research assistant of Prof. Michail (Mike) Papadakis.

My academic and industrial interests revolve around the areas of Automated Software Engineering. In particular, Software Evolution, Automated Software Testing, Code Analysis, Fault Injection and various other sub-fields. In a nutshell, Intelligent Software Engineering (synergy between Machine Learning (ML) and Software Engineering) are domains I’m passionate about.

In my research, given a code regression change, I tackled the challenges of developing high-quality test cases, their selection, prioritization, and thoroughness for a source code.

Check out my page; I hope you will find something stimulating and leave enriched with a bit of knowledge :books: :evergreen_tree:

Feel free also to get in touch through social media (👇), or my work email!